Episode #009: Marc Summers, Engelbert Humperdinck & Ted Nugent
For this edition of the Paltrocast, I spoke with 3 different fun and inspirational people with interesting new projects. Marc Summers first achieved fame as a host of game shows, like Double Dare, then found success as a television producer. Summers is the host of the Thanksgiving Movie Feast this week on HDNET MOVIES.
Engelbert Humperdinck is a legendary singer with a career spanning almost 50 years. He has generated sales in excess of 140 million records -- including 64 gold albums and 23 platinum -- and 4 Grammy nominations. His latest album is Warmest Christmas Wishes.
Ted Nugent is a guitar hero known for classics like “Cat Scratch Fever,” “Free For All,” “Wango Tango,” and “Little Miss Dangerous.” His latest album is 2018’s The Music Made Me Do It. And The Nuge gave me one of the best interview experiences I have ever had.
More info on these new titles can be found online at www.marcsummerstv.com, www.engelbert.com and www.tednugent.com.